As we are nearing the end of November and the festive season approaches, we would like to urge individuals, intending to apply for a South African visa, to submit their visa applications as soon as possible.
In typical South African style, most companies down tools by mid-December and we are aware of the fact that the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA), most professional bodies, the VFS offices and most South African missions abroad close for the festive period. This means visa applicants will (then) only be able to lodge their visa applications in January 2023 if they are not able to submit by latest 23 December 2022.
Please use this notice as a guidance to your timelines. We are more than happy to answer any questions you may have relating to your visa application.
We can be reached via our Contact Form on Alternatively, we can be contacted on +2773 5357 534 or
We look forward to hearing from you!