The South African Immigration legislation allows for spouses of South African (SA) citizens or Permanent Residence (PR) holders to apply for a spousal visa, providing they are married OR in a proven life partnership of at least two (2) years. Immigration Directive No 07 of 2019 even allows for foreign spouses to change from a tourist visa to a spousal visa within South Africa, providing all legal requirements are met.
Life-partners would need to submit an additional notarial agreement attesting they are in an exclusive relationship for at least two (2) years, share financial responsibilities and that neither party is part of an existing marriage or permanent homosexual or heterosexual relationship.
It is important to establish when a spouse can conduct activities such as work, studies or have an own business on a spousal visa and therefore it is important to consult with an experienced and knowledgeable immigration consultant who will be able to advise on the nitty-gritty of a spousal visa application.
It is also important to note that spouses of SA citizens or PR holders may apply for permanent residence after 5 years of marriage or 5 years of proven life partnership.
For more information on spousal visa applications and the processes aligned with it, visit our website on www.movingsouthimmigration.com or contact us on +2773 5357 534 or sue@movingsouthimmigration.com